
The Krogan Lab is a dynamic group of enthusiastic scientists with expertise across a variety of disciplines, including proteomics, genomics, molecular biology, computational biology, cancer and infectious diseases.


Peggy Ackerberg

Executive Assistant to Nevan Krogan
[email protected]


Rithika Adavikolanu

Junior Assistant Specialist

[email protected]

Nadia Arang

Postdocoral Fellow

[email protected]


Ronald Babu

Assistant Researcher

[email protected]


Atoshi Banerjee


[email protected]


Mohamed Bailor Barrie

Grad Student Researcher

[email protected]


Jyoti Batra

Staff Research Scientist

[email protected]


Marco Cespedes

Lab Assistant

[email protected]


Nefeli Chanoutsi

Visiting Grad Student

[email protected]


Holli Deval

Assistant Lab Manager

Ignacia Echeverria Riesco

Assistant Professor

[email protected]


Manon Eckhardt

Staff Research Scientist

[email protected]


Antoine Forget

Assistant Researcher

[email protected]


Helene Foussard


[email protected]


Martin Gordon

Bioinformatics Programmer I

[email protected]


Reuben Hogan

Graduate student

[email protected]


Gwen Jang


[email protected]


Robyn Kaake

Assistant Professor

[email protected]


Prachi Khare

Associate Specialist

[email protected]

Ik-Jung Kim

Assistant Researcher


Pornparn (Jo) Kongprache

Assistant Researcher

[email protected]

Einar Krogsaeter

Postdoctoral Fellow

[email protected]


Reanna Lao

Junior Specialist

[email protected]


Qiongyu Li

Postdoctoral Fellow

[email protected]


Shivali Malpotra

Research Associate

[email protected]


Michael McGregor

Research Associate

[email protected]


Justin McKetney 

Assistant Researcher

[email protected]


Jack Moen

Postdoctoral Fellow

[email protected]


Michelle Moritz

Research Biochemist

[email protected]


Monita Muralidharan

Assistant Researcher

[email protected]


Haripriya Parthasarathy

Postdoctoral Scholar

[email protected]

Adrian Pelin

Postdoctoral Scholar

[email protected]


Ben Polacco

Bioinformatics Programmer

[email protected]


Alicia Richards

Research Scientist

[email protected]


Erica Stevenson

Research Technologist

[email protected]


Ursula Schulze-Gahmen

Staff Research Scientist

[email protected]


Margaret Soucheray

Lab Manager / Specialist

[email protected]


Danielle Swaney

Associate Professor

[email protected]


Richa Tiwari

Postdoctoral Fellow

[email protected]


Jin Tang


[email protected]


Manisha Ummadi

Associate Specialist

[email protected]


Rasika Shrirang Vartak 


[email protected]


Xiaofang Zhong

Postdoctoral Scholar

[email protected]


Yuan Zhou


[email protected]




QBI Staff

Andrea Bolanos

Events Intern, QBI

Shivali Chag

Scientific Project Manager

[email protected]


Jacqueline Fabius

Chief Operating Officer, QBI

[email protected]


Saumya Gopalkrishnan

Scientific Project Manager

[email protected]


Zelda Love

Associate Director of Grant Management, QBI

[email protected]


Gina Nguyen

Director of Marketing & Events, QBI

[email protected]


Kirsten Obernier

Director of Science, Portfolio and Strategy, QBI

[email protected]


Celine Perier

Scientific Project Manager, Institut Pasteur

QBI UCSF Center for Emerging Infectious Disease

[email protected]


Alexa Rocourt

Media and Events Coordinator, QBI

[email protected]


Ali Sasan

Financial Analyst


Swathi Sukumar

Operations Assistant