PUMAS Program – (Promoting Underrepresented Minorities Advancing in the Sciences) is a paid summer internship program administered by the Gladstone Institutes, funded a federal grant,  that focuses on underrepresented identities and first generation college students. Students are matched with mentors based on area of interest to gain hands-on mentorship and laboratory experience scientific during a nine week program. Reach out to Emma Doctors for more information.

CCMI Program – The Cancer Cell Mapping Initiative is a consortium spread across the UCSF and UCSD campuses. Each summer the consortium sponsors outreach and educational programs at local schools, on-campus hosted events for local high school students, and internships in computational and experimental biology with a focus on cancer biology. Reach out to Antoine Forget to inquire. 

Jack and June Krogan Women in Science Scholarship – Annually offers a paid summer internship with educational financial support to an exceptional female scholar in science enrolled at the University of Regina.

Emerson Collective FirstGen Internship Program – Internship program hosted by UC Berkeley matching first generation students with a ten week paid internship opportunity. Link to apply is here.   

QBI Media & Events – Mentors interns in digital media and events for biomedical science. Link to apply is here